(English information below)
Ein ganz besonderes Wochenende erwartet Euch vom 10.-13. Mai 2018 – das Ziggurat Knitting Retreat mit Åsa Tricosa wird bunt und kreativ, luxuriös und entspannt und mit Sicherheit einfach wundervoll! Im traumhaft schönen Bahnhof Hohenstein im Taunus genießen wir ein Wochenende voller Ziggurat-Inspirationen. Ich freue mich darauf, mit Euch und Åsa Tricosa im Taunus zu zigguraten!
Bitte beachtet, dass das Ziggurat Knitting Retreat in englischer Sprache stattfindet.

© Bahnhof Hohenstein
Let’s meet for some Ziggurat knitting fun with Åsa Tricosa! We will gather in a picturesque former train station, Bahnhof Hohenstein, which has been transformed into a luxurious retreat space. Expect four relaxed days full of knitting, delicious food and good company!
The Ziggurat Knitting Retreat will take place at the Bahnhof Hohenstein, a picturesque former train station which has been transformed into a luxurious 5-star retreat space.
Bahnhof Hohenstein is situated in Taunus, a beautiful region in Germany close to Wiesbaden and Frankfurt, making it very accessible from Frankfurt Airport and train stations in Wiesbaden and Frankfurt.
The workshop will be held in English and all workshop information on the website is given in English. Also, registration and booking information is provided in English. As all other workshops on offer are taught in German, the rest of our website is in German. Please feel free to contact me via post@handherzseele.de should you have any questions!
I am very much looking forward to ziggurating with you and Åsa Tricosa in beautiful Taunus!